by and about women

My name is Hauviette. Rightly, I should be called "The Accursed." For in truth, I am unsightly upon the face of the earth. If my remaining days are as molten drops of lead upon a naked wound, then justice is done.






Once I drove a woman to her death. Nay . . . a girl who never lived to become a woman. For this may my soul burn eternally in Hell.

Once I was beautiful. I did not lack for courters. Had I not held myself aloof and thought myself finer than they . . . although Lord knows I was naught but a peasant's daughter and a waitress in the tavern. . . I might have been wed long before I ever saw Jeanne.

But I had a restless spirit. Life in the village of Domremy was slow and dull. Girls were born, childhood was short. We helped in the house for a few years, then we were put out to work, or we were married. Thus it went. Thus my life should have gone. If it had, perhaps this day my soul would be at peace.